Heh. As we read over the My Yahoo headlines for today, I noticed the WCAX article about Legislature's supposed 'fight' over the gas tax increase
A blog of local Burlington, Vermont happenings by who else... but a Burlingtonian! American Citizen... born & raised
Thursday, March 23, 2006
(Politicians) Doing what they do best...
Heh. As we read over the My Yahoo headlines for today, I noticed the WCAX article about Legislature's supposed 'fight' over the gas tax increase
Sunday, March 19, 2006
V for Vendetta - Vive la revolucion!

We headed out on Friday to see 'V for Vendetta', starring Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman.
I feel it is a prime example of what can happen when government oversteps its bounds, and interferes with society... it's like a modern day '1984', and even has the main actor from '1984' in it (John Hurt), ironically as the main bad guy.
The main tag-line of the movie is a great explanation:
"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
Here's a repost of Jeremy's blog for another perspective on the movie:
Movie Night: V for Vendetta
Last night, Hardy Machia, Bonnie Scott, Kevin Ryan, Jonathan Stauffer, Heavenly and I went out together to see the movie V for Vendetta, another great movie from the people who brought you The Matrix. Again, the Wachowski brothers have created a Libertarian-themed movie where a small group of people are fighting to reduce the power of an oppressive government and to open people's eyes to it.
Brief Synopsis of film from LP.org:
"V for Vendetta is based on a graphic novel by Alan Moore that is set in England in 2020. Great Britain is under the control of a fascist government who use fear and intimidation to control its citizens. The government controls the media and clamps down on free speech through its Ministry of Objectionable Materials.
A mysterious rebel known as V, who is dubbed a terrorist by the Hitler-esque Chancellor Sulter, plots to overthrow the government. V seeks to complete 17th century saboteur Guy Fawkes's mission to blow up Parliament, as way to spark a rebellion.
Looking at early reviews, V for Vendetta has plenty of action and thrills to keep audiences entertained, and delivers a clear libertarian message, which can be summed up in its tagline - "People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of the people."
More information:
Of course, I recommend everyone to watch it, to fully appreciate the movie, and it's significance. It's rated R due to 'strong violence and some language', so it's definately not one to bring the kids to see... but it is a great action - suspense movie to watch on the big screen!
"Even royalty can't afford Queen City"
Even royalty can't afford Queen City
It's funny, but at the same time, true to what's happening to some Burlingtonians.
My husband and I personally keep our thermostat at a constant 60 degrees to save on heating costs, while we throw on more layers of clothing to keep ourselves warm while working. At times, I even use a pair of mittens to keep my hands warm... The sacrifices we make to stay in Burlington.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Real-time Ch. 17 results - without cable!

Well, we're back, after a 12 hour 15 minute stand at the Ward Seven polling place, where Jeremy amazingly (with very little sleep mind you) only took one 5 minute break for the ENTIRE time (starting at 6:45AM this morning)! All other Ward 7 council candidates took several breaks throughout the day and actually left the polling place several times!
Anyway, we're back home recovering from this tiresome session... & I notice that Ch. 17 is offering a webstream of their election results:
Ch. 17 Election results
Just thought I'd mention this to those without cable, who are wondering what the results are...
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Helping fellow neighbors...
As you may have heard, the Dutra family suffered a major loss due to a fire in their home. I saw in todays paper how Waggy's has been accepting donations. To make a donation, you can drop it off at their store on the corner of North Street and North Avenue or by calling the store at 863-4862 or 864-0740 after 12:30 pm.
I just thought I could do my part by offering to accept donations from this website as their is quite a bit of traffic from other ward 7 residents already. If you wish to donate here, please use the form [listed at Jeremy's site by clicking here]
Friday, March 03, 2006
Who's behind an affordable VT?
At the very end of the ad, there's tiny text at the bottom of the screen, saying, "Paid for by an affordable VT"
Hoping to get more info from the ad by seeing it again during the newscast, but it didn't reappear...
anyone heard of this organization or know who's behind the ad?